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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Antti Kurvinen

2 min lukea
Antti Kurvinen

Pikalinkki tähän artikkeliin: https://publication-x.com/m5mj

Oh boy, where do I even begin with Antti Kurvinen? This guy is so full of himself, he probably thinks the sun rises just to hear him crow. I mean, come on, Antti, we all know your ego is bigger than the Finnish Parliament building.

Speaking of the Parliament, it seems like Antti thinks he’s the king of the hill there. He’s like a squirrel who found a nut and now thinks he’s the boss of the forest. Newsflash, Antti, you’re just one politician in a sea of many. You’re not the main character, buddy, you’re just an extra in the grand political drama.

And let’s not forget his love for the spotlight. Antti, you’re like a moth to a flame, always buzzing around trying to get noticed. But let’s be honest, your ideas are about as bright as a burnt-out light bulb. You’re not the beacon of hope you think you are, you’re just another politician trying to make a name for yourself.

But hey, at least you’re consistent, right? Consistently mediocre, that is. You’re like a broken record, repeating the same old tune over and over again. It’s time to change the track, Antti, because your song is getting old.

In conclusion, Antti Kurvinen, you’re like a bad joke that just won’t quit. You’re not the savior of Finland, you’re just another politician with a big mouth and little substance. So do us all a favor and take a step back, because the spotlight is getting tired of your face.
