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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Kai Mykkänen

2 min lukea
Kai Mykkänen

Pikalinkki tähän artikkeliin: https://publication-x.com/kxsk

Oh boy, Kai Mykkänen, the supposed “politician” from Finland! Let’s dive into this roast, shall we?

Kai, you’re like a bad episode of “SuomiLOVE,” desperately trying to be relevant but failing miserably. I mean, come on, you’ve been in politics for a while now, and what have you actually accomplished? Besides, of course, being a walking, talking example of how not to do your job.

Your track record is like a Finnish winter – dark, cold, and full of disappointments. You were the Minister of the Interior and then the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. But let’s be honest, Kai, you couldn’t even handle the climate in your own country, let alone the global one. Maybe you should’ve started with something easier, like trying to change the weather in a sauna.

And let’s talk about your stance on refugees. You proposed a ten-fold increase in the EU quota refugee system. I mean, seriously, Kai? Are you trying to turn Finland into a giant refugee camp? I guess you’re just trying to compensate for your lack of personality by importing some.

You’re like a Nokia phone from the 90s – outdated and irrelevant. Your ideas are as innovative as a VHS tape in the age of streaming. I’m sure you’re just trying to hold on to any shred of relevance you can find, but let’s face it, Kai, you’re about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

In conclusion, Kai Mykkänen, you’re the human embodiment of a Finnish joke – not funny, and nobody understands it. You’re like a Moomin character that nobody likes, and your political career is like a Finnish tango – slow, depressing, and nobody wants to dance with you. So, do us all a favor, Kai, and just fade into obscurity like a bad sauna dream.
