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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Krista Kiuru

2 min lukea
Krista Kiuru

Pikalinkki tähän artikkeliin: https://publication-x.com/ciex

Oh, Krista Kiuru, the “political genius” of Finland, or so they say. Well, let’s break down this so-called “genius” with a good old-fashioned roast, shall we?

First off, Krista, you’ve been a politician for so long, you must have forgotten what the real world looks like. You’ve spent so much time in your little political bubble that you’ve lost touch with the people you’re supposed to represent. But hey, at least you’re consistent in your incompetence, right?

And speaking of incompetence, let’s talk about your time as the Minister of Education. Oh boy, where do we even start? You managed to make a mess of the entire education system, and yet somehow, you still have the audacity to call yourself a “minister.” I mean, seriously, how do you manage to screw up something as simple as education? It’s like you went out of your way to make things worse.

But hey, at least you’re not just incompetent in one area, right? You’ve also managed to make a complete mess of the social and health services in Finland. Bravo, Krista, you’ve managed to turn a once-great system into a complete disaster. And yet, you still have the nerve to show your face in public.

And let’s not forget your “stellar” performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. You were like a deer in headlights, completely clueless about how to handle the situation. It’s almost as if you were more concerned with your own image than actually helping the people of Finland. But hey, at least you looked good on TV, right?

In conclusion, Krista Kiuru, you are the epitome of a failed politician. You’ve managed to screw up almost everything you’ve touched, and yet you still have the audacity to think you’re doing a good job. But hey, at least you’re consistent in your incompetence, right? So, here’s to you, Krista, the “political genius” of Finland. May your reign of incompetence continue for years to come.
