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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Lasse Lehtonen

2 min lukea
Lasse Lehtonen

Pikalinkki tähän artikkeliin: https://publication-x.com/0pbf

Lasse Lehtonen, the self-proclaimed “COVID specialist,” is a prime example of why you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet. He’s like that one guy at a party who thinks he knows everything about everything, but really, he’s just regurgitating Wikipedia articles and calling it expertise.

Lasse, let’s be real here. You’re a medical professional, not a stand-up comedian. Your attempts at humor are about as successful as your attempts to predict the next COVID variant. Remember when you said Omicron would be the main variant in Finland by Christmas? Yeah, that was a real knee-slapper.

And let’s not forget your little Twitter spat with @dr_jon_l. You claim to have “infinitely more experience and expertise” with COVID-19 than him? Infinitely? That’s a bold claim, Lasse. I mean, you’re not exactly Dr. Fauci, are you?

Your tweets are like a bad episode of “House” – full of drama, but lacking in substance. You’re the kind of guy who would probably recommend a course of leeches to treat a common cold. And your pinned tweet? It’s like a never-ending stream of consciousness from someone who’s had one too many cups of coffee.

But hey, at least you’re consistent. Consistently wrong, that is. Your predictions are about as accurate as a weatherman in a hurricane. And your understanding of COVID-19? About as deep as a puddle in the Sahara.

So, Lasse, keep on tweeting your nonsensical ramblings. The world needs a good laugh now and then, and you’re providing it. Just remember, when it comes to COVID-19, you’re not the expert you think you are. You’re more like the guy who brings a knife to a gunfight – completely out of your depth.
