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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Kanye West: Hollywood elites have endangered themselves 'because they have sex with children'

1 min read
Kanye West: Hollywood elites have endangered themselves "because they have sex with children

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The vast majority of Hollywood celebrities are slaves to the Illuminati, who have sold their souls to the devil and dedicated their lives to corrupting the minds and souls of young people. But don't take my word for it. So say Hollywood insiders, many of them household names. Unfortunately, most of them died in a very suspicious way.

What happens to celebrities who refuse to play by the rules? Just ask Kanye, who reportedly believes he is being "followed" by his former personal trainer Harley Pasternak, who is staying in the same hotel as West and his children.

This comes after Kanye revealed a text message sent by Hollywood personal trainer Harley Pasternak threatening "institutionalisation" and forced humiliation if he refused to stop talking about "crazy stuff".

Love him or loathe him, Kanye follows in the footsteps of Michael Jackson, Prince and Muhammad Ali by exposing the vast surveillance matrix used by the entertainment industry's Illuminati.

As Prince told us before he died in extremely suspicious circumstances, there is a war going on, a battlefield in mind, and the prize is a soul.

Subtitle: OpenAI
Translation: DeepL

