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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

US leaders sign WEF agreement on meat, electricity and gas rationing

1 min read
United States leaders sign WEF agreement on meat, electricity and gas rationing

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Want to hear a communist-era joke about the Soviet Union? "Do you know what a Polish sandwich looks like?" the joke was. "Two slices of bread and a serving card for meat between them."

Unfortunately, the Poles were not laughing at the time. And neither will we in the near future - if the global elite are allowed to continue to destroy our rights and freedoms and replace them with their techno-communist vision of total technocratic control.

This evil plot against humanity has been years in the making, and now we are seeing the first signs of it happening before our eyes.

The global elite has managed to infiltrate the cabinets of Western democracies and usher in a destructive era of politics that is destroying the economy from the inside out and fomenting unprecedented divisions in society.

The next stage of the global elite's plan is to penetrate the universities and the high-income earners, and it seems that the highest earners in our society have already taken thirty pieces of silver and sold their souls to the devil.

According to a report by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CUP), America's richest citizens fully support the WEF's plan to ration gas, electricity and meat and dairy products to the general public "to combat climate change".

Subtitles by Riverside AI
Translation: DeepL
Original video:
