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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Ulla Kaukola

2 min read
Ulla Kaukola

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Ulla Kaukola, the supposed champion of Vantaa, is about as effective in politics as a broken compass in the Arctic. This self-proclaimed “leader” is more like a follower, riding the coattails of the SDP with policies as exciting as a wet blanket.

Kaukola’s political career began with a bang, didn’t it? A whopping 175 votes in her first election. That’s about as impressive as a snowball fight in the Sahara. But hey, she didn’t let that stop her. She went on to become the chair of the Vantaa City Council’s Social Democratic group, where she honed her skills in leading a group of people who think socialism is the answer to all of life’s problems.

Now, let’s talk about her stance on the tram project. Kaukola claims the tram will make Vantaa more of a city and help improve services. But let’s be real here. The only thing the tram is going to improve is the commute of a few people, while the rest of us are stuck in traffic jams. And let’s not forget the cost. 606 million euros? That’s a lot of money for a project that might not even work out.

And let’s not forget her support for the rainbow family. While it’s great to be inclusive, let’s not forget that the real issues in Vantaa are housing, education, and employment. But hey, why focus on those when you can focus on being politically correct, right?

In conclusion, Ulla Kaukola is the political equivalent of a participation trophy. She’s there, she’s trying, but at the end of the day, she’s just not making any real impact. So here’s to you, Ulla, for being the best at being less than average.
