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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

WEF proposes "brain implants" to eradicate conspiracy theories

3 min read
WEF proposes "brain implants" to dispel conspiracy theories

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Not content with killing your grandparents, pumping mRNA into food to alter DNA, normalising paedophilia and turbo-charging the population with Bill Gates' synthetic meat products, the globalist elite are now desperate to achieve total control of humanity by waging a war that the WEF has confusingly dubbed the "Battle for your Brain", writes Baxter Dmitry .

According to Klaus Schwab of the WEF, humanity will be better prepared to meet future challenges if unborn children undergo genetic modification to ensure they do not have disabilities, diseases and psychological traits that are not accepted by the elite.

If Schwab's plans to "change the man" and win the "Battle for your Brain" are not disturbing enough, wait until you hear how the European Union is going to stifle opposition to the globalist agenda.

The warned person counts to two. This is a coordinated attack by a global elite, and it's about to explode.

The population of Europe must be "vaccinated" against ideas that are not accepted by the established order, says European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Speaking at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit earlier this month, the infamous Nazi's granddaughter von der Leyen Revealed by its plan for the "European Democracy Shield" project, which aims to "detect disinformation and malignant disruption... [and] protect our societies to make them more resilient".

In other words, "the shield of democracy" is simply a euphemism for censorship and "social flexibility" is another term for obedience.

Make no mistake, the globalist elite is waging war on the sovereignty of the people.

The World Economic Forum has become so arrogant that they no longer even try to hide their dystopian plans.

Klaus Schwab's right-hand man Noah Yuval Harari says there is no such thing as free will. You are just a "hackable animal" and the elite have the passwords to your brain.

Welcome to what the WEF disturbingly calls the "Battle for Your Brain".

Here is some news for Von der Leyen, Schwab, Harari and the whole WEF: we are in touch with you. If you think that we "non-elites" are just going to stand by and let this happen, you are very wrong.

But it gets worse when you realise who else is involved in this conspiracy against humanity.

David Bowie's last online message warned that "Google is the Illuminati", and it seems that his warning could not have been more prescient.

The World Economic Forum video shows CEO Klaus Schwab and Google founder Sergey Brin conspiring to put "brain implants" in our heads so that the globalist World Economic Forum can "measure your brainwaves", read your thoughts and behaviour. Check.

According to Schwab, son of a Third Reich industrialist, "brain implants" will be introduced within 10 years - and "there's nothing you can do about it!"

The shocking brainwashing fantasy of the clearly agitated Schwab was recorded at the World Economic Forum summit in Davos in 2017, and since it resurfaced, fact-checkers have done everything they can to prevent the video from being shared on social media.

According to the timeline for the introduction of Schwab implants, they will be in place by 2027 - just 3 years from now.

According to Schwab, the WEF can cancel elections worldwide because when it hacks into people with brain chips and eradicates free will, they enter a "popular state" to govern humanity.

These are not deep questions. They are evil. According to the WEF, a new world religion has arrived that will unite all humanity to worship at the altar of climate science, techno-communism and eugenics.

Did you get it? According to Schwab, "robotisation enables humanisation".

The man is a certified megalomaniac who is delusional about God, and it doesn't help that his friends are helping him.

Klaus Schwab's right-hand man Yuval Noah Harari has declared that the WEF's plans for total control of humanity are so far advanced that they are "acquiring divine powers" to "create and destroy".

The blasphemy does not stop there. Harari also promises that the WEF will make gods out of people.

If you don't want a future where you and your children wear brain implants that allow the globalist elite to read your mind and control it like gods, it's time to take a stand.
