Raportti vaatii rajoituksia lentomatkustamiseen: Tämä on osa laajempaa globalistista suunnitelmaa “rationalisoida” kaikentyyppisiä matkoja – ei enää rajattomasti lentokoneita, junia tai autoja maaorjoille

Vain lyhyt viesti, koska se sopii niin hyvin edelliseen artikkeliini globalististen sortajien mentaliteetista. CNN Travelin mukaan : "Lomalaisten tulisi valmistautua muuttamaan matkustustottumuksiaan nyt, ennen kuin tämä muutos pakotetaan heille",...

Shenlong: The Spiritual Chinese Dragon

Shenlong, also known as the Spiritual Dragon, is one of the most popular and revered dragons in Chinese mythology. It is believed to be a powerful and benevolent force that controls the wind and rain, and is associated with good fortune, prosperity, and success.

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Written by Jason Collier
Narrated by Adam Brown

PubXtv: Joseph’s Brothers Nearly Killed Him. This Is How He Repaid Them. (Biblical Stories Explained)

In the previous chapter, we saw the underdog Joseph finally set free from his wrongful imprisonment and not only restored to society, but in fact, elevated to a status that he would not have otherwise found himself in had he not gone through such tremendous hardship. Indeed, Joseph was now essentially the second in command in the hierarchy of the Egyptian kingdom, but considering the actual Pharaoh seemed more than content to let Joseph take the wheel, you might be forgiven for thinking that Joseph was the real leader here in these times. After all, Joseph was seen to not only predict the terrible famine that would seemingly affect all the world, but he was also seen to successfully navigate it, ensuring that enough food was stored for this catastrophe during Egypt’s years of abundance.

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★ Recommended Videos ★

🎥 The Lesser Key of Solomon: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uW1un1x-gRrSga-R81DVZrBjvGEuR1s

🎥 Exploring Dragons & Serpents: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uW1un1x-gRpdna-Qk7U9jYOBvfaZKFM

🎥 Angels & Demons: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uW1un1x-gRam1nxhC30dr8gLBB6VY1R

🎥 Mesopotamian Mythology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uW1un1x-gSKzSUWicVomkxLzdkUAY66

🎥 Greek Mythology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uW1un1x-gRM_lSEno7Yi2JcELGV3mm5

🎥 The Book of Enoch: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2uW1un1x-gSrTCQFRCU9v2_iE80E8Ez6

★ Chapters ★

– Joseph
– Cupbearer
– Baker
– Potiphar
– Biblical Stories
– History
– Pharoah
– Pharoah’s Dreams

📚 Sources and Further Reading 📚

🎨 Artwork/Illustrations by
Laura Giraud (https://www.artstation.com/jacknorisk)
Karlo Lottersberger (artstation.com/karlottersberger)
Iro Pagis (youtube.com/channel/UCDD4xya53Dfz5W3SvN1zEBA)

🎬 Animation by
Michael Merc (https://www.youtube.com/c/MercenaryCamp)

🎶 Music by
Graham Plowman: http://www.grahamplowman.com​​​
Derek/Brandon Fietcher: https://bit.ly/3e8gJw7​​​
