Antti Kurvinen
Oh boy, where do I even begin with Antti Kurvinen? This guy is so full of himself, he probably thinks the sun rises just to...
Ville Niinistö
Well, well, well, if it isn't our favorite green politician from the land of a thousand lakes, Ville Niinistö! I've been waiting for this moment,...
Ulla Kaukola
Ulla Kaukola, the supposed champion of Vantaa, is about as effective in politics as a broken compass in the Arctic. This self-proclaimed "leader" is more...
Annikka Saarikko
Annika Saarikko, the Finnish politician, has been a constant source of amusement in the world of politics. Her leadership style is akin to watching a...
Tarja Halonen
Oh, Tarja Halonen, the first female president of Finland, what a character! Let's dive into the world of roasts and see what we can find....
Sauli Niinistö
Oh, look who it is, the man of the hour, Sauli Niinistö! Finland's very own version of a wet blanket. I mean, seriously, Sauli, you...
Riikka Purra
Riikka Purra, the Finnish politician and leader of the Finns Party, often portrays herself as a champion of the people, but let's be real here...
Kai Mykkänen
Oh boy, Kai Mykkänen, the supposed "politician" from Finland! Let's dive into this roast, shall we? Kai, you're like a bad episode of "SuomiLOVE," desperately...
Petteri Orpo
Petteri Orpo, the so-called "Prime Minister" of Finland, has about as much charisma as a wet sock on a rainy day. He's like that one...
Maria Ohisalo
Maria Ohisalo, the supposed "leader" of the Greens in Finland, has about as much charisma as a wet towel left out in the rain. She's...