PubXtv: Conspiracy Theories That Make Too Much Sense

PubXtv: Conspiracy Theories That Make Too Much Sense

28 lukukertaa

This is part 14 of my Ultimate Conspiracy Theory Iceberg series, a mega compilation of the top conspiracy icebergs on the web. I’ve alphabetized this collection of conspiracies to help eliminate duplicate entries as well as removing preconceived notions of obscurity or importance.

This is strictly for entertainment purposes. Nothing stated here should be taken literally or as factual. It’s safe to assume that the greater majority of these are impossible and/or completely fictional – although some have already occurred and are as factual as it gets. Some of these theories and speculations are so unbelievable, complex, or horrifying that it cannot and should not be taken as anything other than fictional entertainment.

You are highly encouraged to come to your own conclusions about subjects within this video (along with everything you consume online).


00:00 – The Grand Chessboard Theory
01:34 – Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory
03:02 – Great Electronic Conspiracy
04:20 – Great Pyramids in the Ocean
05:53 – Greek Magnetic Sky
07:27 – Greider’s Endgame
08:45 – Grey Goo
10:05 – Hair is a Punishment From God
11:25 – Hand of Hercules
12:30 – Harmonic Sync
13:36 – Hemi-Sync Process
15:03 – Henotheism
16:18 – Hermeneutics is Tainted
17:44 – The Hidden Owl
18:49 – Highway Trolls
20:23 – Himalaya Zombies
21:34 – Hitler Escaped Inside the Earth
23:01 – Hive Mind Induction
24:27 – Holistic Tubes
25:49 – Hollow Earth
27:06 – Hollow Earth Passages
28:08 – Hollow Moon Theory

Watch the part-by-part playlist here:

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Hollow Earth theory, Atlantis, Ancient aliens, UFO sightings, Area 51, Reptilian shapeshifters, New World Order, Illuminati conspiracy, Moon landing hoax, JFK assassination conspiracy, Chemtrails, Flat Earth theory, Mandela Effect, Project MKUltra, Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Time travel conspiracy, Bermuda Triangle mystery, Denver Airport conspiracy, Bigfoot sightings, Loch Ness Monster, Cryptozoology, Roswell UFO incident, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, Freemasons conspiracy, Disappearance of Amelia Earhart, Nikola Tesla suppressed inventions, CIA mind control experiments, Shadow government conspiracy, Vaccine conspiracy theories, HAARP weather control, Nibiru/Planet X conspiracy, Georgia Guidestones, Simulation theory, Quantum immortality theory, Men in Black encounters, Roko’s Basilisk, Cicada 3301 mystery, Annunaki, Agartha, Agenda 21, Ancient glyphs on Saturn moons, Archons, Black knight satellite, Bloodletting magick, Bohemian Grove, CERN conspiracy, Celebrity cloning, Codex Gigas, COINTELPRO, Consciousness beamed from moon-base, Cosmic censorship, Crop circles, Crystal skulls, Cryptids, Dead internet theory, Dimensional jumping, Disappearance of Ettore Majorana, Dulce Base, Dyatlov Pass incident, Earth is bigger than the Sun, Elisa Lam’s death, Expanding Earth, Extraterrestrial life, Feral children, Fermi paradox, Finland doesn’t exist, Fluoride dangers, Free energy suppression, Gang stalking, Ghost hunting evidence, Giants, Glitch in the Matrix, GMO conspiracy, Greek sky phenomena, Grey goo, Harmonic convergence, Hopi Blue Star Prophecy, Human hunting, Hypnosis, Incorruptible saints, Intelligent design, Jack the Ripper, Jeanne Calment hoax, Kali Yuga, Kurt Cobain murder, Lake monsters, Large Hadron Collider, Lizard people, Lost civilizations, Lucid dreaming, Lunar wave, Majestic 12, Max Headroom incident, Mayan calendar and 2012, Men in Black, Mind control, Mothman, Naga Fireballs, Nazi UFOs, Number stations, Oak Island treasure, Occult knowledge, Ouija board, Oumuamua, Phantom time hypothesis, Polybius, Precognitive dreams, Project Blue Beam, Prophecies, Psychic warfare, Quantum entanglement, Rendlesham Forest incident, Reptilians, Rh-negative blood, Skinwalker Ranch, Skull and Bones society, Sleep paralysis, Spontaneous human combustion, Stargate Project, Subliminal messages, Taos Hum, Tesla’s death ray, The Black Knight satellite, The Chronovisor, The Denver Airport murals, The Dyatlov Pass incident, The Ganzfeld experiment, The Hutchison effect, The Mothman Prophecies, The Overtoun Bridge, The Tunguska event, The Voynich Manuscript, Time travel evidence, UFO abductions, Underground bases, Vimanas, Wormholes, Zodiac Killer identity

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