The Mystery Behind the CULT of SATURN

The Mystery Behind the CULT of SATURN

16 lukukertaa

Dive deep into the enigmatic world of the Cult of Saturn, where ancient secrets and celestial worship converge. This video unravels the layers of mystery surrounding one of the most enigmatic and misunderstood deities in history. From shadowy rituals to the cryptic symbols that have influenced cultures across millennia, discover how Saturn’s dark allure has captivated minds from the dawn of civilization to the modern era.


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Researched, written, edited, and produced by the @esotericguardian team.

Music produced by @IronCthulhuApocalypse (License Control).

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00:00 – Introduction
01:09 – The Origins and Evolution of the Cult of Saturn
04:30 – Saturn as the Dark Sun
06:48 – The Mysterious Hexagon of Saturn
09:17 – Influence on Religions and Cultures
12:42 – The Darker Side of Saturn
16:01 – Conclusion

Codex Gigas, Devil’s Bible, medieval demons, demon summoning, esoteric knowledge, occult history, medieval manuscripts, dark rituals, ancient magic, esoteric traditions, occult secrets, demonic illustrations, mystical texts, ancient wisdom, biblical texts, legendary pact with the devil, mystical practices, ritual magic, dark history, occult studies, ancient manuscripts, medieval occultism, spiritual mysteries, hidden knowledge, esoteric practices, supernatural rituals, gnosticism, demonology, occult

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