PubXtv: Has Space Been Faked For Decades?
This content is intended solely for entertainment purposes and should not be interpreted as literal or factual. While some events or ideas discussed may be rooted in reality, the vast majority are speculative, fictional, or highly improbable. Many of these theories and concepts are so complex, unbelievable, or unsettling that they should be regarded purely as imaginative entertainment, not as a reflection of reality.
This is part 31 of my Ultimate Conspiracy Theory Iceberg series, a mega compilation of the top conspiracy icebergs on the web. I’ve alphabetized this collection of conspiracies to help eliminate duplicate entries as well as removing preconceived notions of obscurity or importance.
You are highly encouraged to come to your own conclusions about subjects within this video (along with everything you consume online).
===My New Channels===
Maker Gaming:
Man Speaks:
00:00 – Channel Update
00:35 – Content Warning
00:44 – Smart Dust
02:41 – Smithsonian Suppression
04:16 – Solar Disk
05:47 – Solipsism
07:14 – Soul Healing
08:38 – Source Code for the Human Brain
10:24 – Soy Grand Theory (Soy becomes sentient)
12:04 – Space is Fake
13:38 – Space Monarchies
15:06 – Sphinx Water Erosion Hypothesis
16:22 – Spirit Science
17:59 – Spiritual Microeconomy
19:30 – Stairs in the Woods
20:53 – Staring Anxiety (Digital Screens)
22:31 – States of Reality
23:58 – Stone Head of Guatemala
25:23 – Stoneflight Interface
26:45 – Stonehenge
28:57 – Streetlight Biosphere
Watch the part-by-part playlist here:
Music by Grimyth:
How I Make a Living on YouTube:
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Uusi “ajatteleva” AI-chatbot, joka pystyy terrorisoimaan ihmisiä ja varastamaan rahaa “valtavalta joukolta ihmisiä”
Bill Gates lanseeraa uuden Netflix-sarjan, joka sisältää massaitsemurhasuunnitelman maailmanlaajuisen väestökadon edistämiseksi
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The Disturbing Mysteries of the BOOK OF ENOC
Dive deep into the enigmatic realms of the Book of Enoc, a text so controversial and filled with dark revelations that it was excluded from the Bible. In this exploration, we uncover the chilling secrets of fallen angels, forbidden knowledge, and apocalyptic visions that have been kept hidden for centuries. What truths did ancient civilizations try to suppress? Why was this book deemed too dangerous for the sacred canon?
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Researched, written, edited, and produced by the @esotericguardian team.
Music produced by @IronCthulhuApocalypse (License Control).
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Codex Gigas, Devil’s Bible, medieval demons, demon summoning, esoteric knowledge, occult history, medieval manuscripts, dark rituals, ancient magic, esoteric traditions, occult secrets, demonic illustrations, mystical texts, ancient wisdom, biblical texts, legendary pact with the devil, mystical practices, ritual magic, dark history, occult studies, ancient manuscripts, medieval occultism, spiritual mysteries, hidden knowledge, esoteric practices, supernatural rituals, gnosticism, demonology, occult