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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Pope Francis continues to incite against mRNA deniers: suicide

3 min read
Pope Francis continues to incite against mRNA deniers: suicide

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The head of the Catholic party, Pope Francis, has repeatedly been seen as a spokesman for the globalist agenda. Whether on climate, transgender or Covid-19, his positions reflect a prescribed unity of opinion and he often goes one step further. Four years after the alleged pandemic began and three years after the first unfortunate people died as a result of the unpredictable consequences of mRNA testing, the Pope continues to publicly harass those who refuse vaccination.

Along with Ecuador, Indonesia, Micronesia, New Caledonia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan - and Austria - the Vatican was one of the countries that made vaccination compulsory for its population. The Pope was on the side of the pharmaceutical industry throughout the 'pandemic' and indulged in completely blind cheers for mRNA 'vaccinations'.

The Pope is now published his memoirs and gave a series of interviews to Italian journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona. Without needing to - that is, without defining a "corona pandemic" as dangerous anywhere in the world - he again incited people against the unvaccinated.

The decision to vaccinate is always an ethical decision, but I know that many have joined movements that oppose the administration of the drug. This worried me, because I think that to oppose the antidote is almost a self-destructive denial.Pope Francis

Francis called the COVID-related closures a "sad scenario", and explained that "this gloomy scenario began to change with the availability of the first vaccines", without mentioning the side effects associated with the introduction of these "vaccines".

The Pope said that "a general fear arose when superficial explanations about the effectiveness of vaccines" began to circulate. "It was also claimed that there was only water in the bottles; some people even declared publicly that people were implanted with microchips." "All this has caused confusion and panic," he said.

Already in late summer 2020, the Pope advocated that "everyone" should be "vaccinated". This would be a moral obligation. The alleged man of God never mentioned that cells from aborted foetuses were used to make vaccines.

To Ragona he said: "When the first supplies arrived at the Vatican, I immediately scheduled my vaccination; later I also received a booster vaccination and thank God I didn't get the virus."

Whether this is true is debatable. In recent years there have been repeated reports that the now 87-year-old Pope had to stay in bed due to illness. It was only in February 2024 that he was diagnosed with a "mild flu" and treated in a clinic. Catholic websites reported last week that the Pope had been ill for three weeks in a row. At the end of 2023, there were rumours of pneumonia. In spring 2023, there were also reports of several days of hospitalisation for pneumonia - but it was never officially reported to be a coronavirus.

Some alternative media quote the Pope with statements such as "God hates those who oppose vaxx" and "Christians who refuse to take the mRNA vaccine would be heretics, who God will judge severely." We have not been able to confirm these statements. There is no evidence that the Pope ever said or wrote this. If you know more, please write to the editor.
