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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Climate cultists want to jail anyone who disagrees with them

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Immacultists want to jail anyone who disagrees with them

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British environmentalist Jim Dale is so angry that some people refuse to believe that the planet is warming because of climate change that he Requests now sending all "climate deniers" to the gulag.

Dale likens global warming denial to flat-earth conspiracy theories and believes it should be illegal for anyone who opposes his personal belief that the planet is warming too much because of carnivores and gas-emitting farm animals, for example, writes Ethan Huff .

Andrew Doyle recently got into a heated debate with Dale after Dale hit out at Doyle for taking a different position on climate change.

"Thanking is factually wrong and it pollutes the political debate," Dale muttered. "It puts certain politicians in a certain spin. They may not be aware of the climate or meteorology involved."

"That's why they get sidetracked or sit on the fence, like Rishi Sunak, and we end up getting nowhere when we have to act fast."

Climate financea

Dale says he likes it when people who disagree with him talk to their close family and friends about what they believe.

"No one would kick in the door," Dale assures us.

But if someone is caught "polluting" the public debate with opinions that Dale disagrees with, he would rather be thrown behind bars and punished for being angry.

Dale did not indicate what sanctions would be applied to people who are allowed to continue living outside prison, although he believes they have deviant beliefs, but he indicated it would be up to politicians such as Labour leader Keir Starmer.

Remember that the UK already has strict hate speech laws that could potentially be used against people who say climate change does not exist under the guise of "climate hate".

In response to all this, Doyle tried to explain to Dale that it might not be a good idea to try to ban and punish people who have opposed the prevailing climate dogma. He pointed to the laboratory leakage theory of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it was suppressed online for a very long time.

Facebook and Google infamously deleted entire accounts for publishing lab leakage, which is the same thing Dale wants to happen, or worse, to people who oppose climate change dogma online.

Just as Facebook tried to defend itself by arguing that people like Tony Fauc, not the US Constitution, are responsible for free speech, Dale also believes that the government should be able to dictate what people say about the climate.

Watts Up With Thatin the Earth is currently cooling, not warming. In fact, the climate is always changing up and down, not only with the season, but also with life expectancy.

If there were periods of extreme heat and extreme cold long before industrialisation, how can people like Dale claim that human activity is responsible for the "extreme temperatures" he says are happening now?

"Given the geological evidence that we are living in a period of extreme cold, how can today's temperatures be classified as a global warming emergency?" asked Watts Up With That.

"Yet an opinion, as I just expressed, a simple statement, would probably be illegal under Jim Dale's climate denial rules. Under Dale's proposed rules, I or anyone who re-posts this article could go to jail or lose their home just for suggesting that people living in the middle of an ice age should be more concerned about glaciers than beach weather."

People living normal lives are not causing global warming.
