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FOI request reveals that the UK government is "preparing an announcement" on the discovery of extraterrestrial life

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FOI request reveals UK government "preparing announcement" on discovery of extraterrestrial life

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The British government is preparing to formally announce the discovery of extraterrestrial life, described by the UK's leading UFO expert as "long awaited".

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed that the UK's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is currently planning how to respond to the so-called 'black swan' discovery of extraterrestrial life, writes Thepeoplesvoice .

An internal report will be presented to the DSIT Secretary General with recommendations for an action plan outlining opportunities, challenges and areas of expertise.

The summary of the report states that it focuses primarily on the "impact on the scientific landscape", but also looks at the wider impact of news on society.

Metron report :

People have wondered about the existence of other forms of life since the Middle Ages, at least on paper. UFO reports have increased dramatically in recent decades, the most famous example being the Roswell incident in 1947, when an aircraft was reported to have crashed in the New Mexico desert.

Scientists around the world are looking for extraterrestrial life (SETI) and searching the skies for signs of other beings, whether microscopic or advanced civilisations.

If a final discovery is made, the consequences for science, governments and society will be significant.

One of them is Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the Ministry of Defence.

"I am very happy to hear that this study is underway because it is long overdue," Mr Pope said. "There are rumours in the scientific community that the James Webb Space Telescope has already detected strong evidence of a biosignature, and whatever is discovered, it is entirely possible that an announcement of a biosignature will come soon - or perhaps even a technical signature."

"As always, it's better to have a plan and not need it than to need it without it."

A biosignature is any feature, such as an element or molecule, that provides evidence of past or present extraterrestrial life. Technical signatures are features or effects that indicate past or present technology.

"DSIT rightly classifies the discovery of extraterrestrial life as a black swan as a scientific event," Mr Pope said. It is perhaps the ultimate scientific black swan. The social impact of the discovery of extraterrestrial life cannot be overstated. It would probably be the greatest and most important scientific discovery of all time and the most impressive."

"This is especially true if we find intelligent life, especially if we come into contact with it in some way. This would have profound implications for almost every aspect of society, including politics, religion, science, technology and much more.

"At worst, we face an existential threat."

Despite the fact that many countries conduct their own searches, there is no official guidance at any level on what to do if extraterrestrial life is found - or even contacted.

The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) has developed a statement of principles, a set of general guidelines for such an event , but it does little more than point out that the signal must be verified and the country making the discovery must share it with the world.

After that, there was a bit of organisation.

Mr Pope, who made the FOI request, said: "Society's reaction to Covid - slapping on masks and vaccines - does not bode well, especially given that governments had contingency plans for a global pandemic, so it was hardly unexpected. event."

"How would people react if they found evidence of an advanced civilisation on a planet orbiting a nearby star? Especially, as some believe, if they send a probe here at all."

The case study summary seems to focus on the idea that life might be found beyond Earth, and ignores many other planetary exploration missions.
