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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

See: the European President wants a dystopian "Pre-Bunking".

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Watch: European President wants dystopian "Pre-Bunking"

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This video shows European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's dystopian plan for "pre-censorship" of citizens.

Debunking the narratives no longer works for Ursula, because if someone sees the truth and then says it's a lie, it really doesn't work, writes Nakedemperor .

Von der Leyen, for example, would like the story of her personally negotiated Pfizer vaccine deal with CEO Albert Bourla to be dismantled and disappear. She has refused (together with the European Commission) to hand over text messages "not only to journalists, but even to the EU Ombudsman and the European Court of Auditors".

In the President's ideal world, the fact-checker would be told the official position and would then report that all the Von der Leyen-Bourla connections have been cleared up and the missing texts are just a conspiracy theory.

But we've passed that point, and too many people know the facts to refute them.

Instead, Ursula wants you to never think these thoughts. She wants them already layered before they enter your brain.

"Pre-bunking", if it is to be effective, essentially involves defining official, government-backed "truth" to define opposing views as "disinformation".

It is fundamentally different from disclosure, because disclosure involves exposing the falsity of existing information with evidence and accuracy. However, by definition, there is nothing to disprove in a disclosures because it is a process that has already taken place.

This means that it is fundamentally a different approach to our understanding of the world we live in: rather than constructing it from existing facts that we try to analyse and understand, it wants our understanding of the world to be based on an official narrative. And when the facts eventually emerge, analyse them within the framework of that narrative. It essentially takes us back to the pre-Enlightenment world, where religion and myths defined our understanding of the world rather than approaching it rationally. It would be a victory for dogma over the search for truth in facts. Arnaud Bertrand

Ursula says that pre-bunking is much more successful than debunking because your brain never processes the information to determine whether you think it is true or not. Your brain simply pushes facts aside if they don't fit the pre-bunking narrative before your conscious mind even realizes what has happened.

And as is the trend at the moment, Von der Leyen compares information she doesn't like to a virus. "Instead of treating the virus after it has struck - that's disclosure - it's much better to vaccinate in a way that vaccinates the body. Prebunking is the same approach."

First they wanted to vaccinate your body, now they want to vaccinate your mind.
