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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

Dr McCullough: these are the culprits in the coming bird flu pandemic

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Dr McCullough: these are the culprits in the coming bird flu pandemic

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In fact, the H5N1 avian influenza virus cannot be transmitted from one person to another. But some researchers are trying to make it more virulent and dangerous by using useful research. DR. McCullough draws his attention to. Because they are the main culprits in the coming bird flu pandemic.

If a real avian influenza pandemic occurs, it can be assumed that it is a laboratory outbreak. However, the H5N1 virus, which has been circulating for years and has only occasionally crossed the species barrier, is also under investigation. The explosive issue: some scientists are trying to use controversial utility research to make this virus more virulent and dangerous to humanity.

Dr Peter McCullough notes in a tweet by Professor Ron Fouchier, Associate Director of the Erasmus Department of Virology, and Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. The two researchers and their team have been working for years on a variant of the H5N1 virus that should enable transmission from humans to other humans.

This gain-of-function study of Professor Kawaoka's dangerous and highly controversial avian influenza virus was funded, among others, by the National Institute of Health (NIH), formerly chaired by Anthony Fauci. In 2014, for example, the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases awarded a grant for this purpose. more than $600 000 . But as the report notes, further research sponsors are considered in secret for questionable reasons .

The Interceptin The report also makes clear that Professor Kawaoka's bio-lab had catastrophic security measures that could easily have allowed the virus to spread into the wild. Given that Professor Fouchier previously reported Science -that he had created "one of the most dangerous viruses that can be made", it is also clear what the dangers of this research into function acquisition are.

In the light of our experience during the interest rate pandemic, it is also clear that appropriate information must be provided in advance. We need to identify the perpetrators in good time and pay attention to dangerous research so that this does not happen again.
