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"Perfecta tempestas medicandi"

70 years of Bilderberg: globalists in Madrid talk about artificial intelligence and modern warfare

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70 years of Bilderberg: globalists in Madrid talk about artificial intelligence and modern warfare

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Since 1954, globalist elites have met behind closed doors at the Bilderberg meetings. This year, the conference took place from 30 May to 2 June in the Spanish capital Madrid, where globalist goals were discussed and directions were set.

Every year, high-ranking figures from politics, business, media and science meet in secret Bilderberg conferences. Today they discuss artificial intelligence, the "future of warfare" and the like in the Spanish capital Madrid. Unlike the World Economic Forum (WEF), its speeches and lectures are kept secret. But it is also clear that important decisions will again be made there - and people will be elected to higher political office.

Not without reason, a study published in 2023 shows that at least 133 politicians were promoted to important positions after attending meetings. The list, which includes Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Bill Clinton, among others. This includes at least 42 participants who later became heads of government, presidents or top representatives of the EU, NATO, IMF and other international organisations. Ursula von der Leyen, Jens Stoltenberg, Kristalina Georgieva and António Guterres are bilderbergergians for a reason. And let's not forget that the lists of participants are not complete and some of them do not even officially appear on them.

Official list of participants From Germany, the Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP), Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner, CDU boss Friedrich Merz, Chancellor Wolfgang Schmidt (SPD) and Christian Sewing from Deutsche Bank were present, while from Austria, former SPÖ director Pamela Rendi-Wagner (for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), Robert Zadrazil (UniCredit) and Gerhard Zeiler (former director general of ORF, now Warner Bros.) were present. Among the many other bankers and media personalities are interesting representatives from AI companies, such as Dario Amodei from Anthropic, Demis Hassabis from Google DeepMind, Arthur Mensch from Mistral AI and Mustafa Süleyman from Microsoft AI. The military component was led by James Appathurai, NATO's representative for innovation, hybrid and cyber warfare, Christopher Cavoli, Allied Commander Europe, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General and other senior representatives of the Western military complex. Not forgetting that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was again present.

The Guardian reports that security at this year's conference was "tight... even by Bilderberg standards" and that protection included "police drones hovering over the hotel". In a short in a press release says that this year's Bilderberg meeting will focus on topics such as the state and security of artificial intelligence, the "changing face of biology", climate, the "future of warfare", economic challenges in the US and Europe. Ukraine, the Middle East, China and Russia will be the focus.
