Tervetuloa vuoteen 2030. En omista mitään, minulla ei ole yksityisyyttä, eikä elämä ole koskaan ollut parempaa.
PubXtv: The Dark Role of Ancient Exorcists #shorts
The ancient people of Mesopotamia lived in a world of magic. But with magic came danger and not everyone was equipped to deal with curses, omens and the spiritual divinities. From the Sumerians who founded the first cities to the Babylonians who lived there some three thousand years apart, many sought the aid of exorcists.
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– Mesopotamia
– Exorcists
– History
🎨 Artwork/Illustrations by
Karlo Lottersberger (artstation.com/karlottersberger)
Iro Pagis (youtube.com/channel/UCDD4xya53Dfz5W3SvN1zEBA)
🎬 Animation by
Michael Merc (https://www.youtube.com/c/MercenaryCamp)
🎶 Music by
Graham Plowman: http://www.grahamplowman.com
Derek/Brandon Fietcher: https://bit.ly/3e8gJw7