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PubXtv: The Great Duke of Hell That Will Help You Steal Things | Ars Goetia | (Lesser Key of Solomon)
Valefor (or Valefor), described as the sixth demon in Ars Goetia, is introduced as a mighty duke who commands ten legions of demons. This demon is traditionally depicted with the head of a donkey or a man that bellows fire, or something of a hybrid between a donkey and a lion. With the amalgamation of one animal that’s quite calm and otherwise friendly with another animal that’s beastly and can tear us to shreds, it does beg the question as to what kind of demon Valefor was – one we could feel at ease with, or one that could chew us up… Perhaps it’s a bit both, which gives the demon not only a complex personality capable of providing safety and harm, but also makes him highly unpredictable.
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★ Recommended Videos ★
🎥 The Lesser Key of Solomon: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2…
🎥 Exploring Dragons & Serpents: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2…
🎥 Angels & Demons: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2…
🎥 Mesopotamian Mythology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2…
🎥 Greek Mythology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2…
🎥 The Book of Enoch: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2…
★ Chapters ★
– Valefor
– Lesser Key of Solomon
– Ars Goetia
– Demons
– Demonology
– Classifications of Demons
📚 Sources and Further Reading 📚
– Lesser Key of Solomon
– Dictionnaire Infernal – Colin d’Plancy
– Pseudomonarchia Daemonum – Johann Weyer
– The Book of Ceremonial Magic – Arthur Edward Waite
🎨 Artwork/Illustrations by
Karlo Lottersberger (artstation.com/karlottersberger)
Iro Pagis (youtube.com/channel/UCDD4xya53Dfz5W3S…)
🎬 Animation by
Michael Merc (https://www.youtube.com/c/MercenaryCamp)
🎶 Music by
Graham Plowman: http://www.grahamplowman.com
Derek/Brandon Fietcher: https://bit.ly/3e8gJw7