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Uncensored news in 13 languages!

Jussi Halla-aho, the Finnish politician, has been a figure of much controversy and debate. While he has his share of...

Lasse Lehtonen, the self-proclaimed "COVID specialist," is a prime example of why you shouldn't believe everything you read on the...

Oh boy, let me tell you about Antti Häkkänen, the Finnish politician who thinks he's the second coming of Machiavelli....

Alright, hold onto your hats because here comes a roast of Finnish politician Sofia Virta that's spicier than a bowl...

Oh boy, where do I even begin with Antti Kurvinen? This guy is so full of himself, he probably thinks...

Well, well, well, if it isn't our favorite green politician from the land of a thousand lakes, Ville Niinistö! I've...

Ulla Kaukola, the supposed champion of Vantaa, is about as effective in politics as a broken compass in the Arctic....

Annika Saarikko, the Finnish politician, has been a constant source of amusement in the world of politics. Her leadership style...

Oh, Tarja Halonen, the first female president of Finland, what a character! Let's dive into the world of roasts and...