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Uncensored news in 13 languages!

Riikka Purra, the Finnish politician and leader of the Finns Party, often portrays herself as a champion of the people,...

Oh boy, Kai Mykkänen, the supposed "politician" from Finland! Let's dive into this roast, shall we? Kai, you're like a...

Petteri Orpo, the so-called "Prime Minister" of Finland, has about as much charisma as a wet sock on a rainy...

Maria Ohisalo, the supposed "leader" of the Greens in Finland, has about as much charisma as a wet towel left...

Fatim Diarra, the self-proclaimed "Fät Mama," is a Finnish politician who is about as useful as a chocolate teapot in...

Li Andersson, the "leader" of the Left Alliance, is about as effective in politics as a broken shovel in a...

Sanna Marin, the woman who made headlines not for her political prowess, but for partying like a teenager who just...