Ilmastonmuutoshysteria paljastettu: hiilidioksidin lisääntyminen toimii huomaamattomana sadon siunauksena
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary… Say her name three times, and she just might answer. But who is she? A vengeful spirit, a restless ghost, or something far more terrifying?
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Written by Jason Collier
Narrated by Adam Marsdin
Artwork where original source could be found. Please contact for credit:
#bloodymary #urbanlegends #folklore
Teknokratian Coup d’état: Miksi Amerikka syttyy liekkeihin
Salaliittoteoreetikot olivat oikeassa kaikessa
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PubXtv: Alice in Wonderland MACABRE Esoteric Secrets
Behind the whimsical illusion of Alice in Wonderland lurks a realm of nightmarish symbolism, cryptic codes, and unsettling ties to occult rituals and secret doctrines. Was Lewis Carroll a mere storyteller, or a conduit of hidden knowledge meant for those who dare to see beyond the veil?
Beneath its playful surface, this tale drips with eerie undertones—whispers of mind control, alchemical transformation, and the fractured psyche of a world not meant for the sane.
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Researched, written, edited, and produced by the @esotericguardian team.
Music produced by @IronCthulhuApocalypse (License Control).
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00:00 – Introduction
01:24 – Lewis Carrol and his Forbidden Obsession
04:36 – Esoteric Secrets
16:46 – Dark Theories
21:58 – Conclusion
Codex Gigas, Devil’s Bible, medieval demons, demon summoning, esoteric knowledge, occult history, medieval manuscripts, dark rituals, ancient magic, esoteric traditions, occult secrets, demonic illustrations, mystical texts, ancient wisdom, biblical texts, legendary pact with the devil, mystical practices, ritual magic, dark history, occult studies, ancient manuscripts, medieval occultism, spiritual mysteries, hidden knowledge, esoteric practices, supernatural rituals, gnosticism, demonology, occult