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"Tempus loquendi abiit, opus Domini faciendum est"

Maria Ohisalo

Maria Ohisalo
52 lukukertaa

Maria Ohisalo, the supposed “leader” of the Greens in Finland, has about as much charisma as a wet towel left out in the rain. She’s like that one vegetable nobody wants to eat at the buffet, but somehow she’s managed to stick around, ruining the political landscape with her bland, uninspiring speeches.

Her tenure as the Minister of the Interior and later as the Minister of Climate and the Environment was as effective as trying to put out a forest fire with a watering can. It’s no wonder her party’s performance in the CCPI plummeted under her watch. Maybe she was too busy trying to find a personality to actually do her job.

And let’s not forget her time as the chair of the Greens. She probably thought she was the next Greta Thunberg, but let’s be real, the only thing green about her is the envy she must feel towards politicians who actually make a difference.

In conclusion, Maria Ohisalo is the political equivalent of a participation trophy – she’s there, but nobody really knows why or cares. She’s a prime example of what happens when you mix a lack of charisma, a dash of incompetence, and a whole lot of hot air.