The Norse Creation Myth told in 3 Minutes
The Norse Creation Myth
Before time as mortals know it, there existed Ginnungagap, an abyss of infinite void, where fire and ice converged. From this juxtaposition emerged Ymir, a primordial giant, and Audhumla, the cosmic cow who nourished him with her milk, forming the first connection between ice and fire.
As Audhumla licked the ice, a figure emerged, none other than Buri, the first of the Aesir gods. Buri’s offspring, Bor, married the giantess Bestla, and from their union came three gods of immense power: Odin, Vili, and Ve, shaping the foundations of the cosmos.
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Written by Jason Collier
Narrated by Adam Brown
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The Slavic Creation Myth Explained in under 3 Minutes
The Slavic Creation Myth
In the realm of ancient Slavic lands, where forests whispered secrets and rivers sang ancient songs, a tale of creation unfolded in the heart of nature’s embrace.
Long before the sun kissed the sky, and the moon painted its silvery path, there was only Rod, the primal god of the Slavic pantheon. Rod, the father of all gods and all things, was both timeless and formless, existing within the swirling cosmic mist.
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Written by Jason Collier
Narrated by Adam Brown
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The Japanese Creation Myth Explained in under 3 Minutes
The Japanese Creation Myth.
In the mists of time, before the world as we know it took shape, there was a realm of chaos and serenity coexisting in delicate harmony. This was the realm of Takamagahara, where the gods known as kami resided. Among these divine beings was Izanagi, the Heavenly Male, and Izanami, the Earthly Female.
Izanagi and Izanami stood upon the Floating Bridge of Heaven, gazing down into the void below. They took a sacred spear and dipped it into the swirling chaos, and as they lifted it, droplets fell back into the abyss. These drops gave birth to the islands of Japan, transforming the emptiness into a land of beauty.
Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
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Written by Jason Collier
Narrated by Adam Brown