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PubXtv: Vampires | The Untold Biblical Truth
The Bible reveals an interesting story about vampire like beings that terrorized the pre-flood world. Some even believe they still roam the earth today. Check out my book of enoch playlist here for more similar videos:
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00:00 Intro
00:15 Genesis
01:07 Nephilim
01:39 The Book Of Enoch ‘Vampires’
02:37 Vampires History
07:05 Demons
08:11 Vampire Sightings
10:54 Egyptian Vampire
11:45 Subscribe
#bookofenoch #nephilim #vampire
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Who are the Gods of War from Mythology and Folklore?
Welcome to the fierce realms of mythology and folklore as we uncover the gods of war from cultures around the globe. From the Greek Ares to the Hindu Durga, we’ll explore the captivating stories and roles of these deities known for their martial prowess and influence on ancient battles.
Shop Pantheon Apparel
Written by Jason Collier
Narrated by Adam Marsdin
0:00 Intro
1:05 Ares
2:30 Athena
3:45 Mars
4:48 Bellona
5:51 Odin
7:18 Freja
8:26 Thor
9:57 Tyr
11:12 Sekhmet
12:16 Montu
13:33 Kartikeya
14:59 Durga
16:35 Indra
17:54 The Morrigan
19:27 Badb
20:32 Neit
21:38 Huitzilopochtli
22:42 Mixcoatl
23:46 Tezcatlipoca
25:02 Illapa
26:16 Hachiman
27:36 Bishamonten
28:47 Futsunushi
29:34 Guan Yu
30:50 Perun
31:51 Svetovid
33:11 Shango
34:19 Oya
35:28 Ku
36:25 Inanna
37:41 Nergal
38:29 Tohil
#mythology #godsofwar #deities